What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine, stainless needles at specific acupuncture points. According to this theory, qi (vital energy) and blood circulate in the body through a system of channels called meridians, connecting internal organs with external organs or tissues. By stimulating certain points of the body surface reached by meridians through needling or moxibustion, the flow of qi and blood can be regulated and diseases are thus treated.
Acupuncture is:
- Minimally Invasive
- Safe
- Fast
- Effective
What Can Acupuncture Help With?
Emotional Health
- Sleep Disturbances
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Over Thinking
- Memory
- Concentration Issues
Pain Issues
- Sciatic Pain
- Frozen Shoulder
- Tennis Elbow
- Carpal Tunnel
- Arthritis
- Muscle Weakness
- Paralysis
- Poor Appetite
- Fatigue
- Obesity
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Blood Sugar Regulation
- Acid Reflux
- Stomach Ache
- Chest Pain
- Irregular Heartbeat
- High Blood Pressure
- Palpitations
- Stroke Recovery
- Asthma
- Shortness of Breath
- Allergy
- Sinusitis
- Common Cold
- Painful Urination
- Incontinence
- Incomplete Urination
- Night Urination
What To Expect
The practitioner first selects appropriate acupuncture points along different meridians based on identified health problems. Then very thin, sterile, stainless steel needles with the length of half to 3 inches are inserted into these acupoints.
The patient will usually experience a feeling of soreness, heaviness, numbness and distention. The practitioner will simultaneously feel that the needle is tightened.
The patients may find that in the short term after treatment, the symptoms may in fact get worse before an improvement sets in. This is a common feature of acupuncture treatment.
Our TCM Practitioner & Acupuncturist
Caroline Wong
R.TCM.P, B.A. Hons
Caroline Wong is a registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Acupuncturist, and Herbalist. She has helped many clients achieve better health and wellness through personalized acupuncture treatments. Caroline specializes in treating a variety of conditions, including mental health, stress, infertility, musculoskeletal issues, and more. She is dedicated to providing her patients with the highest quality of care, using the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine to guide her treatments. Book an appointment with Caroline today to experience the benefits of acupuncture for yourself.