Dr. Caroline Wong

Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Registered Acupuncturist and Herbalist

About Caroline

Exhausted all healing modalities? Most people usually see a TCM practitioner as a last resort after they’ve exhausted all healing avenue. This leaves TCM practitioner more fun due to more challenging cases. What might be a mystery to your doctor may be very obvious to a TCM practitioner since we view diseases and health from a different angle. This different angle is based on the wisdom cultivated 2000 years ago and has survived today due to its efficacy in getting people to feel better. Even our diagnostic methods are different. When you come in, I’ll ask to look at your tongue and take your pulse because your tongue and pulse act as maps that gives me a general idea of the state of your health and what may be causing your discomfort. Things you may struggle with that TCM can effectively treat are:
  • Mental health, Stress, depression, anxiety, irritability, PTSD, smoking addiction, insomnia
  • Infertility, PMS, gynecology disorders, migraines, poor digestion, bloating
  • Musculoskeletal, back pain, frozen shoulder, tendonitis
  • Weight loss, fatigue, brain fog, poor memory, hair loss
or maybe you don’t have any complaints, and just want a tune up which is great for prevention and self care. In TCM we are always looking for the root cause of the problem. Once I have determined the root cause I will use this to guide how I select points and what treatment protocol may be appropriate. Because of this, two people coming in for the same complaint may have very different treatment protocols due to their unique constitution and root cause. The goal is to bring the body back into harmonious balance, once balance is restored many symptoms should subside and you will generally feel a better sense of well being. If you have any questions or curious to know if TCM can help with your condition, I can provide a free 15-minute consultation to discuss if TCM is right for you. Caroline Wong is accepting patients with an ICBC claim for acupuncture.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most extended insurance plans cover acupuncture. Check with your provider, or give us a call 604-368-8799 to double check your plan.

Acupuncture needles are very thin and not at all the needles you see at your doctor’s office. At the beginning of needle insertion, you may feel a small prick like a mosquito bite or nothing at all. After that you may feel an achy or heavy sensation at the site of insertion which is often referred to as “De Qi” meaning the arrival of qi. Sometimes you may also feel this sensation travel to other areas of the bodies corresponding to the merdian pathway. Most people report feeling very relaxed during and after their treatment.

Cupping works by placing a flame of fire in the cup for 1 second before placing onto skin, the fire then creates a vacuum that pulls the muscles up. Either oil is used to help glide the cups along the back or flashed meaning they are popped on and off or stationed for a few minutes.

Acupuncture is generally safe and have little or no side effect. Sterile one-time use acupuncture needles are placed in acupuncture point to trigger your own body’s natural mechanisms.

In BC, TCM practitioners must complete 2 years of post secondary education and another 4 years at an accredited Traditional Chinese medicine school. TCM practitioners are also required to pass a 4 day long North American board regulated written exam. TCM doctors have to do an addition 1 year of schooling and 2 more exam days. Each practitioner is licensed and regulated by the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of British Columbia.

Most extended insurance cover acupuncture. Check with your provider or give us a call 604-368-8799 to double check your plan.

Caroline's Schedule

Monday: 11:00am-7:00pm

Tuesday: 11:00am-7:00pm

Caroline is currently accepting new patients.